Opening in Kilcock Art Gallery, Kilcock
13th May & continues until 3rd June 2023.
In 1998, a group of artists, led by Margaret Becker, founded the Leinster Printmaking Studio in a small premises in Clane, Co Kildare. Over the years the studio grew and flourished, increasing the membership, facilitating courses, collaborating with other studios, nationally and internationally, as well as organising exhibitions.
This year the studio celebrates its jubilee with an all-embracing exhibition echoing the many events and collaborations over the past 25 years.
Studio members as well as invited guest artists have organised and participated in a wide variety of exhibitions. One of the earlier exhibitions, “Where Siva meets Medbh” considered links between Ireland and India. A long running international, trilingual collaboration followed between the studio and Regional Print Studio, Wrexham, North Wales. “Le Chéile” (2004-2012) explored themes of language and place with members from both studios participating in residencies in both countries. This project culminated in many “Le Chéile” exhibitions in Ireland, Wales and South Australia.
In 2014 the studio conducted research trips to the local bog for their major exhibition “Bog 50 x 70” which toured to several venues around Ireland and to Bulgaria.
Another long running project was “Little Stories Little Prints”, a 2016 Commemorative Visual Art Project through Printmaking where 40 Irish printmakers researched and illustrated stories around events of 1916. This exhibition toured to numerous venues around Ireland during 2016 – 2017.
The Leinster Printmaking Studio is particularly drawn to exploring visual aspects of literature. Members and guests have responded to Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, (2015), the wonderful collection of poems in An Duanaire, 1600-1900, Poems of the Dispossessed, edited by Seán Ó Tuama, (2017) and more recently to the poems of the late Séamus Heaney in “LPS Responds to Séamus Heaney” (2019) which initially opened at a small festival in Italy!
Oidhreacht or Heritage was the title of their most recent exhibition, members, and guests’ responses to shared Irishness.
The above are just a selection of the many activities the LPS members have organised and participated in over the years. Thus, it was decided to remember and reflect on these past events by inviting members and guests to revisit previous exhibitions and to echo a theme or a favourite print as a point of departure for a new artwork.