Worlds Withinby Rebecca Homfray

  • Artist: Rebecca Homfray
  • Dimensions: 45 x 30 cm (17.7 x 11.8 inches)
  • Medium: Linocut on Okawara paper


SKU: KAG\ECH\021 Category:


Has lived and worked in Ireland for many years but grew up in the Kentish countryside in the south east corner of England, surrounded by the extraordinary rich and diverse flora and fauna of unimproved chalk pastureland. She was inspired as a child to try and capture some of these glories on paper, something she still does many years later in different places and in different ways.

One of these ways has been through printmaking and she finds that the huge range of possibilities and uncertainty of outcome make it an exciting medium with which to explore her subject matter. She has exhibited her work throughout the country and abroad.